Showing posts with label Integrate two systems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Integrate two systems. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to integrate SharePoint online with CRM Online - Part 2 -> Integration of CRM and SharePoint online

This is the second part of the blog post following this post. This post focuses on configuring the SharePoint site within CRM online 2011, integrating the both, uploading documents from with CRM to the SharePoint respective folder. Following are the steps for the same:

1) To Configure SharePoint, first you need to download List Component for SharePoint Site. You Can download it from

2) Extract downloaded component, you will see 2 imp Files Namely:

       a) AllowHtcExtn.ps1: This is the Power Shell script, which “Allows” SharePoint to allow    users to use *.htc files.

       b) crmlistcomponent.wsp: This is the solution that we will upload to the SharePoint site    solution gallery that will enable SharePoint to “Speak” with CRM. It enables to automatically create a hierarchical folder Structure on SharePoint for CRM Records

3)  To install List Component in SharePoint, please Click on the “Sites” in the homepage of Office 365 and then click on the Settings (Next to your name) >> Site Settings >> Solutions. Please refer below screenshot

4) After clicking on the Solutions hyperlink, click on “Upload Solutions” and browse “crmlistcomponent.wsp” file and click Ok.

5)Then select uploaded solution and activate it

6) You can see status for uploaded solution to Activated in below screenshot

7) Now create a new record of Default SharePoint Site in Document Management >> SharePoint Sites. Make sure you have installed List Component in Team Site and activated it

  8)  Now you can Configure SharePoint site for your CRM by visiting CRM Online Homepage. Please follow this path in CRM online to configure SharePoint site and then click on Settings >> Document Management >> Document Management Settings


 9) Select the entities for which you want to add folder locations in SharePoint and add SharePoint Team Site URL in below textbox. Then click Next


10) Ignore Based on Entity Part and Click Next  


11)  Now you can see the folder locations created for the selected Entities


  12) You can further check any selected Entity Records to see whether Documents is created or not. Note: On the First Load it will ask to create Document location for particular record. Here just click OK to continue


13)   After Clicking on OK button, you can easily Upload files to SharePoint by clicking on new button


Hope this article helps!

How to integrate SharePoint online with CRM Online - Part 1 -> Creation of CRM Online and SharePoint online common user account

This is a two part blog post illustrating the functionality of integrating SharePoint online with CRM online. The first part of the blog focuses on creating CRM and SharePoint online accounts having common Office 365 user account. Then the second part of the blog talks about integrating the two systems and uploading files from CRM to SharePoint site.

Steps for creating CRM Online Account

1) Visit and create Trial Dynamics CRM online Account. If you already have account then ignore these steps and proceed with the 2nd Part of this blog.

Note: While creating an Account please keep a note of created Login User ID and Password.

2) After creation of Account, just refresh the page after few minutes and you can see “CRM” hyperlink in the top right corner. It will redirect you to the Settings of CRM Online. Please make a Note of Office 365 homepage Link for further use

3) After Clicking on the CRM Link It will ask you to confirm your settings. Here you can modify your CRM instance URL and Default Currency or you can ignore this process and come to the last point of settings where you can “Launch CRM Online” homepage.


Steps for creating SharePoint Online Account

1) Visit to create SharePoint Online Account and Click on the “Office 365 Enterprise E3”. This plan will allow you to associate SharePoint online site with same user Id of CRM online

2) After clicking on the “Office 365 Enterprise E3”, it will redirect you to the SharePoint Online Page. Please click on “Try now” button to proceed.

3) After clicking on the “Try Now” button, click on “an Existing Account” Link at the top.

    4)  Now it will ask you to type in the existing office 365 Account ID and Password. Please enter the User ID and Password and then Sign in     


 5)   Now it will ask you to confirm your order. Please click on the “Try now” to Proceed Further   


6) In the Next process Click on the “Continue” Button to proceed

7)   Now it will redirect you to the Homepage of Office 365 Account. You will see SharePoint is configuring for your Account

8)  Now refresh the page after installation and Click on “Admin” Link on the top right and Select “SharePoint”


9) It will give following Error Msg. This means logged in user has no rights to access SharePoint site, hence SharePoint site is not created for that user

10) Our Next step is to assign rights to that user for accessing SharePoint. Please Go to the Homepage of Office365 and then follow below steps:

a) Click Users and Groups

b) Select an User

c) Click on Edit Button

11)  Click on following options and Click on “Save” Button

12)    Now click on SharePoint to redirect to the SharePoint site

13) This is the default site for the user to access SharePoint. Now this particular user can access SharePoint Site and CRM Online with just one common Office 365 Account

Note: To create another user for SharePoint, you can create it from users and Group section under Office 365 Homepage and assign CRM Online and SharePoint Online rights as per your needs 

Follow the next part of this blog here for Integrating these two systems.