Showing posts with label field Mapping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label field Mapping. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Add mapping for custom attribute of Order product to Invoice product

To map custom attributes of Opportunity Product to Quote Product, Quote product to Order Product and Order product to Invoice product CRM does not provide direct access to the “Mapping” page. To get the mapping page, you need to follow below steps.

Below are the steps to set the mapping of Order product and Invoice product:

1.  Replace the CRM server name in the below URL and browse the below URL in the Internet Explorer.

 Online CRM

On-premise CRM
http://crmserver/testorg/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/EntityMapSet?$select=EntityMapId&$filter=SourceEntityName eq 'salesorderdetail' and TargetEntityName eq 'invoicedetail

2.  Then you will get the below result. Copy the Entity map id highlighted in red.

When you try to browse above URL, you might get the below page instead of above result in XML format.

Then you need to do below setting in the Internet Explorer.
Go to Internet Explorer à Tool à Internet options àContent à Setting (Feed and Web slices). Now uncheck the “Automatic mark feed as read when reading a feed” and “Turn on feed reading view”. Click on Ok. Then restart the Internet explorer and browse the above URL again.

3. Replace the mapping id with the entity map id you get from above URL in the below URL and then browse it.

4. You will get the below window where you can add new mappings,

Hope this helps!