Showing posts with label custom entity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label custom entity. Show all posts

Monday, January 11, 2010

Change left navigation lable ,display order on custom entity

This blog will help you to customize your left navigation pane settings found on entity record. Like shown in below screen shot. You can change the order as well as label shown over here but note that this functionality will only apply on custom entity and not on system entity.

This is CRM functionality where you can change the display label and order of the list on the left navigation. Following below steps for this:

- Go to Settings --> Customization --> Customize entities and open the entity of which the related entities label you need to change. (see below the screen) here we have displayed changes in the account-opportunity bid.

- Go to 1:n relationships and open the related entity and find “Navigation pane item for primary entity” section on page (see below the screen).

- In this section you have see four fields as follows:
o Display Option: In this fields contain three option select “Use Custom label”.
o Custom label: Enter your text
o Display area : Select the display area such as details, Service, sales , marketing .
o Display Order: Enter order number which is set the order of the displayed list.
- After that publish it and open the record and check the changes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to Create "My views" for custom entities

The Account entity in CRM comes along with pre-defined views for My Active Accounts.

However, when you create a custom entity you will notice that by default only two views are created “Active” and “Inactive”. If you would like to add “My Active” and “My Inactive” views for custom entities, you would need to create them yourself by customizing the entity.

To create a “My Active” view in custom entity just follow the below steps:

Here we take an example of “Test” entity.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings --> Customization --> Customize Entities --> Select the entity and navigate to the Forms and Views Option

Step 2 : Enter the name of the View

Step 3 : Here you have to edit the filter criteria.

Set the following conditions
• owner Equals to Current user
• and status is equals to Active

as we are creating “My Active Test” view. You can give your Conditions according to the view

Once the criteria has been specified you can edit the columns to include the columns that you want displayed in this view.

Step 4: Save this view and publish the entity.
The My Active Test View will now be available similar to the “My Active Accounts” view.